
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

high protein fluffy eggs with cottage cheese

high protein fluffy eggs with cottage cheese

In a bid to make sure we hit a decent amount of protein for breakfast we have been trialling ways to increase protein in our eggs. Two eggs is just 14g of protein, but adding 100g cottage cheese increases the protein to 25g. I have added a small amount of smoked salmon to increase the breakfast to 30g of protein. This is optional, but for my needs 30g of protein is optimal.



serves 1


Small knob of butter/olive oil
1 spring onion
2 eggs
100g cottage cheese
salt and pepper
30g smoked salmon



prep time: 10 mins

  • Melt the butter oil in a small saucepan and add the white part of the onion for 3-5 mins.

  • While the onion is cooking, whisk the eggs with the cottage cheese and season with salt and pepper..

  • Add the eggs to the small frying pan and cook gently.

  • When the eggs are cooked add the green part of the spring onion and stir.


the health boost tip

A healthy and protein packed meal to enjoy at any time of the day.

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Should I take a collagen supplement in midlife?

 Chia pudding breakfast bowl

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