All tagged eggs for breakfast

Asian inspired omelette with prawns

If you’re after a simple high protein meal, this asian inspired omelette with prawns is the easiest most fabulous lunch or brunch for 2, or even a quick midweek dinner. All the flavours of Asian cooking and packed with nourishing protein and portions of veggies! Serve with a side salad, stir fried pack choi or brown rice if higher carbs needed.

High protein paneer omelette

In order to get enough protein into our diet we have been adding extra protein sources to our eggs for a higher protein breakfast. Two large eggs contain 14g of protein but adding 80g of paneer cheese gives you another 14g of protein. This works for us for better glucose control, muscle growth and no sugar cravings or hunger.

high protein fluffy eggs with cottage cheese

In a bid to make sure we hit a decent amount of protein for breakfast we have been trialling ways to increase protein in our eggs. Two eggs is just 14g of protein, but adding 100g cottage cheese increases the protein to 25g. I have added a small amount of smoked salmon to increase the breakfast to 30g of protein. This is optional, but for my needs 30g of protein is optimal.