All tagged flaxseed

High protein breakfast smoothie

Winning all round hybrid smoothie. When I have a big day starting with teaching a class (which I do 90% of), followed by my own strength training session and back to back clients this is a winning breakfast I enjoy between class & training!
The nitrate in beetroot helps with stamina. The protein is there to feed and repair the muscles.The blueberries are full packed with antioxidants. The avocado is rich in fibres and good fats.

40g protein breakfast pots

Protein packed breakfast ideas are a very popular request. This is a great option that can be versatile in terms of flavours. For me, making ahead my breakfast is a must as I usually have breakfast at the studio after my first client of the day or after teaching a class. Hitting 40g protein with my breakfast alone sets me up for a day with energy, no cravings and properly fuelling for muscle building, hormone support and blood sugar balance.

Yoghurt oats, fruits & seeds breakfast pots

Protein packed breakfast ideas are our most common request as people often struggle. This is a perfect quick & easy option. For me, making ahead my breakfast is a must as I usually have breakfast at the studio after my first client of the day or after teaching a class. It has to be portable and high in protein. This is a delicious balanced winning combo. Change up the fruits with the seasons!

Pineapple protein breakfast smoothie

Smoothies are often requested by our clients when we design personalised meal plans. In spring and summer they are a great breakfast option if put together properly and hit your micro and macro nutrients needs. This smoothie will give you very adequate protein for breakfast and also contains your first portion of veggie for the day! A double win. Who can resist the pineapple coconut combo?

Vitamin C booster smoothie

Winter may not seem the time you fancy a smoothie, but they are so handy for packing so much goodness.

When I set out to create a new smoothie recipe, I was aiming for at least one vegetable, high fibre content, high in vitamin C, a good morning boost, a light textured and a pretty colour! Oh and why not include that daily dose of flaxseed (really helps with the hot flushes). I think I managed to tick all the boxes and it’s delicious! Give it a try and let me know!

Overnight flaxseed & chia cinnamon breakfast pots

Good habits start with breakfast. Making ahead is one of the best advice we can give. Those overnight flaxseed and chia breakfast pots take 10 minutes to prepare the day before and keep in the fridge for 2-3 days. Ideal to make on a Sunday afternoon and that’s Monday and Tuesday’s breakfast sorted. They are balanced, high in protein to keep you full until lunchtime and just delicious.

Overnight seedy breakfast pots

A little breakfast pot packed with healthy seeds. Seeds are a great addition to our diet as menopause women. These little pots have worked very well for me as a breakfast option. They would work well before any workout and as a post-workout refuel. If you use the 120g of Greek yoghurt specified then you’ll be hitting 28g of protein per pot.

What foods to eat during the menopause

The menopause can be a scary time with lots of unexpected things happening in your body such hot sweats, irregular periods, weight gain around the middle, brain fog and anxiety. Peri-menopause is the time leading up to the actual menopause when changes start to happen and this period can last up to 10 years which can surprise lots of women. There are lots of foods that you can introduce or increase during this time to help you manage your symptoms.

Green power breakfast smoothie

In the summer I love nothing more than a lovely fresh green smoothie for breakfast. If it’s a spin class morning, I like to enjoy it after but if I am strength training, I need a boost of power before I hit the weights. This is my recent most favourite to give me that boost on a summer’s morning! One of my favourite Plant based protein powder is by ThatProtein and contains Baobab, recognised for its immune boosting properties, high iron and vitamin C nutritional profile!