
Our recipes are specially created to be healthy, nutritious and family friendly. Tuck in!

healthy chocolate and banana shake

healthy chocolate and banana shake

Sometime, a beautiful purple, green or yellow smoothie is not going to do the job! So, back in the days of taking my son to rugby, I embarked on a fairly long journey to convince a then pre-teen Rugby mad son that I could make him a healthy, nutritious and energy boosting shake he would be proud to take to rugby training. The aim of the game was to avoid him bowing down to the peer pressure of gulping a fluorescent blue or orange energy drink! Today, I can happily report that this shake is fab for my own post workout refuel too.




1 banana
1 block of frozen spinach
1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 tablespoon of raw cacao powder
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon raw honey (optional)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
coconut water
milk of choice (almond milk is our favourite for creaminess and extra protein)




In a nutribullet, or similar, add all the dry ingredients , fill up to the Max line with half coconut water, half milk and blend until smooth.
Give it a go!



This shake has all the best ingredients to sustain a long match, a strength training session or refuel post spin class!. A fantastic mix of protein, fibres, natural sugars and hydration wrapped up in everyone's favourite shake flavour...yes... chocolate! Raw cacao powder is the best and purest form you can use and is rich in polyphenols and minerals.

top tips for building the perfect smoothie

top tips for building the perfect smoothie

Simple and delicious oat cakes

Simple and delicious oat cakes